Natieva - Learn English Anywhere at Anytime

Program Training Karyawan Perusahaan

Program kursus bahasa asing untuk perusahaan, dapat disesuaikan dengan jadwal dan kebutuhan perusahaan serta tingkat kemampuan peserta.

Hubungi Kami

Belajar secara pribadi atau 1-on-1 dengan tutor Anda.

Belajar bahasa dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari 7-8 orang.

Pilihan Program


Mengapa Pilih Program Corporate Natieva


Kelas Online One on One


Kurikulum yang Dirancang Khusus untuk Bisnis Conversation


Tutor Bersertifikasi Internasional dan Berpengalaman di Lembaga Kursus Internasional


Fleksibilitas Waktu


Biaya Berdasarkan Kelas yang Digunakan (Khusus Privat)

Dengan fitur ini, anda dapat melakukan monitoring progress peserta kursus secara langsung.

happy students

Our Client Testimonials


Rossy Kuntari


I have a fun experience learning with Natieva. the teachers and the facilitators, are very helpful. They made the teaching activities comfortable. The flexible scheduling makes it easier for student. The teachers are so kind and patient so I can learn the material understandable


Victor Dharmawan

ORM Specialist

Studying at Natieva is very flexible and can be done anytime and anywhere. The teachers are experienced and friendly. The material can be learned easily with various exercises in each module, so we can directly train and apply what we have learned in the class.


Theresia Galuh

Relations Manager Bank BTPN

I am very happy to be able to take Japanese courses at Natieva. The teacher is very communicative, friendly, patient and professional so I am a beginner who can enjoy and understand quickly. In addition, time is also very practical because it can be enjoyed anytime, and is flexible in choosing the schedule. Thank you and good luck Natieva.


Luthfi Azhari

Developer Digital Product & Service Delivery

Overall experience learning with Natieva was great, I like the whiteboard feature. It's quite interactive. The connection on the website was excellent and the learning was fun and easy to understand

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