Learn Indonesian - Learn English Anywhere at Anytime

Learn Indonesian

Indonesian language private courses to help expatriates learn the practical Indonesian language and cultural etiquette they need to communicate in any social or business situation Contact Us Now

Why Choose Natieva?

We have experience in teaching foreign language for expatriates who work in indonesian coporate like banking or other bussiness.

Teacher also have experience for teaching expatriates. Our curriculum was well prepared for UKBI test that important for working in Indonesian corporate


Learn Bahasa in Natieva


Expert Teacher

Our teacher have experiences for teaching expatriates.


Flexible Schedule

Our private schedule offer flexiblelity for you to create a schedule whenever you want


Tailor-made for UKBI Test

Our materials are specially made to meet UKBI test standards.


Class Level/Stage

Basic Level (BIPA 1 - 5)

Students will learn basic daily conversation enhanced with cultural awareness to improve communication skills in various contexts. At the end of this program, students will have basic competence to communicate in Indonesian language. CEFR Standard: A1 & A2

Intermediate Level (BIPA 6-10)

Students can improve their Indonesian language competence by means of discussion, reading, presentation, produce texts, and describing something (experience, event, and hope). CEFR Standard: B1 & B2

Advanced Level (BIPA 11 & BIPA 15)

Students be involved in discussion and writing essay related to education, society and culture, economics, politics, and current issues in Indonesian or world. At the end of this program, students are able to write reports. CEFR Standard: C1


Our Available Program

Natieva has 1 program for indonesian course.


Private Class

  • 1-on-1 class with teacher
  • Flexible schedule
  • 12 sessions for each stage (BIPA 1)
  • 60 minutes for each session
  • UBKBI test included

Why Your Company Should Learn at Natieva?


Virtual Classroom

Kami memiliki ruang kelas virtual bawaan yang terintegrasi dengan aplikasi kami, memungkinkan pembelajaran interaktif dua arah yang efektif.


Kurikulum Internasional

Seluruh kurikulum kami mengacu pada kurikulum internasional dan dirancang untuk mendukung perkembangan siswa


Jadwal Flexible

Untuk kelas privat, siswa dapat membuat jadwal kapan saja sesuai dengan ketersediaan pengajar


Pengajar Profesional

Semua pengajar kami memiliki pengalaman yang signifikan di bidangnya. Kami menyediakan pengajar terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.


Tailor-made Program

Natieva dapat menyediakan program yang disesuaikan untuk industri tertentu.

happy students

Our Client Testimonials


Victor Dharmawan

ORM Specialist

Studying at Natieva is very flexible and can be done anytime and anywhere. The teachers are experienced and friendly. The material can be learned easily with various exercises in each module, so we can directly train and apply what we have learned in the class.


Luthfi Azhari

Developer Digital Product & Service Delivery

Overall experience learning with Natieva was great, I like the whiteboard feature. It's quite interactive. The connection on the website was excellent and the learning was fun and easy to understand


Akira Kuwata

IT Governance Management Head

I've been taking Natieva lessons for nearly two years and have completed BIPA5. I'm very grateful to Ms. Rani for her flexibility in arranging both schedules and lesson content. Her clear teaching style made it possible for me to continue enjoying my lessons and I'm now able to hold simple conversations in everyday situations and read articles on topics that interest me. The experience with Natieva has been very helpful.

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